Hello Again

IPHONE portrait mode at home photo ideas for Instagram

Hi everyone!

I hope you are doing well (mentally and physically) and that you are trying to stay as positive as you can be during this crazy time.

I for one have had my bad days, but I’m trying to stay productive and healthy mentally by exercising regularly and making the most of this time with my family. 

One thing that has really helped me is going outside everyday. I’ve talked about the fact that I’m a homebody, but not being allowed to leave the house to grab lunch or even go to the gym has really been something I previously took for granted.

I’ve been taking my puppy Rex, who is now 6 months old, on two walks a day. I’ve been staying at my parents house and it is so quiet out where I grew up. I didn’t want to be in my apartment building going up and down the elevator to take him out because of the virus. I feel so blessed to have this time with my parents and sister and Harry. Even though we are all going crazy and have had some “quarantine fights” my mom keeps reminding us that we will most likely never have this much time together (with no ability to leave) ever again. 

That is something that has shifted my mindset tremendously. I absolutely love my family, they are crazy and hysterical and we really do all enjoy each other’s company. 

As far as work goes, things have been slow. With Coachella being cancelled, one of my biggest grossing weekends of the year, I have had to shift my focus to creating content from home, which is something I don’t feel very inspired to do. I have always been inspired by my surroundings and even planned my outfits based on where I am going. 

I started a YouTube channel which has been really fun for me, if you haven’t checked it out, you should!!!! 

I’m putting zero pressure on myself to post to my IG and blog, hence why there have been barely any posts, because I realize there is no NEED to keep pushing. It’s OKAY to TAKE A BREAK.  

Being a content creator I can work from anywhere in the world, I know I am very fortunate, but at the same time, I never take breaks. Now feels like the perfect time to self-reflect, and take care of myself.

I just wanted to hop on here and not only give you an update, but also let you know that I am here for you too. I love reading your DM’s on IG, so whatever you are feeling, don’t hesitate to reach out. We will get through this and we will never take going outside freely for granted ever again! 

Sending you lots of love!!!